
Manuscript Evaluation

When you’ve done what you can, but don’t know what exactly your book needs, I can guide you on the next steps. I'll go through your book chapter by chapter, and write a multi-page assessment of its strengths and weaknesses, pointing you in the right direction. This summarized feedback provides suggestions for improvement but does not offer specific corrections, rewrites, or reorganization. The manuscript evaluation takes a bird's-eye view of your book and is perfect for when you aren't sure of which direction to head. 

Deliverables Include:

  • Detailed evaluation report that offers a bird’s-eye view of the manuscript's greatest strengths, weaknesses, and revision needs. I will give honest feedback about what isn’t working yet, and what elements to focus on. The report also lists additional resources to help you expand on key writing craft elements.

  • Optional  post-project consultation after the project's deliverables to discuss the evaluation and answer any questions or brainstorm next steps in the revision process.

Developmental Editing

Developmental editing is about the big picture. I'll look at your manuscript's structure, clarity, and flow. Perspective is gained in this level of editing as your book's content, plot development, voice, pacing, point of view, and other writing nuances are assessed. Together, we’ll navigate the next stepping-stones in the suggested revision path, and you’ll refine your prose to be consistent, compelling, and engrossing—all while solidifying your individual authorial voice, compelling readers to devour your book, and change their lives.

Deliverables Include:

  • Manuscript comments and tracked changes focused on the book's structure and development, content organization, argument flow, messaging, and reducing redundancies.

  • Detailed editorial letter that offers an overview of the revision strategy including additional resources and suggestions that expand on key writing craft elements.

  • Optional  post-project consultation after the project's deliverables to discuss the edit and answer any questions or brainstorm next steps in the revision process.

Line and Copy Editing

Line and copy editing work together to improve narrative flow while cleaning up issues in your sentences' mechanics. A line edit takes a deep look at your authorial voice; we work line by line through your manuscript, tightening the structure, tweaking the rhythm, dialing in the emotion, and helping you hone your individual style. Copy edits, meanwhile, focus on errors in the syntax itself—issues found in the grammar, spelling, punctuation, formatting, and style mechanics. This service combines these two styles of editing to present an edited manuscript with superb flow, rhythm, eloquence, and execution.

Deliverables Include:

  • Manuscript comments and tracked changes focused on the book's paragraph/sentence structure, word choices, language techniques, repetition, writing tone, clarity, consistency, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and style usage.

  • One round of revision review to check your rewrites and added material (up to 3,000 words) to ensure no errors were added to the manuscript.

  • A comprehensive style sheet that details the language choices made throughout the manuscript. This sheet can be forwarded to your proofreader for reference to achieve authorial voice continuity and style cohesion.

1 We connect and I learn a little about your book, your goals, and your target audience.

2 You get a free sample edit and proposal tailored specifically to your manuscript.

3 You choose the services you want, and we sign a contract.

4 You are entered into my editorial calendar when you pay your deposit. You will receive access to your own author portal where you can access all files, emails, invoices, my Zoom scheduler, and forms.

5 During the edit I check in with any questions and give you an update.

6 You complete your final payment and receive the final edits and deliverables.

7 You can schedule a follow-up meeting with me to talk about your edit and brainstorm ideas for revisions.

8 I can help you get set up with other publishing professionals for the next steps on your publishing journey.

Walking the path

How it works

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